Web applicaton Reviews

Cyberg Reviews

It is a reality, we all consult the opinions of other people before choosing a service or product and that 88% of consumers trust both reviews and a personal recommendation.

Stay if you want to know all the keys of Google reviews and learn how to get the most out of it to maximize your income in 2021 with examples by sectors to inspire you to develop your business strategy.

And speaking of strategies, you should not miss this opportunity to learn the most current marketing and sales methodology. The one that puts the customer at the center by combining Ecommerce, Funnels, and Mobile Apps to make your business grow: the Mobile Marketing Flywheel. Discover all its details and start applying them with Cyberg Reviews.

Reputation crisis. You are probably imagining a celebrity doing a damage check after screwing up during an interview. In reality, reputation management is crucial for any business, large or small. And online reviews are a fundamental part of it.

Even a company that does not have a dedicated supervisor must work on maintaining its reputation and managing online reviews. So what is reputation management for a business? In short, it means influencing and controlling the valuation of a company in the minds of consumers.

However, with the growth of the internet and social media, reputation management has inevitably transformed into online management. This means that search engine results are an essential part of the strategy.

Online reputation management

A fundamental piece for reputation management are online reviews (comments or opinions) from users. Opinions are crucial for any business that wants to keep control of its reputation.

“Online reviews have created a new form of marketing and communication, bridging the gap between simple word of mouth and viral feedback.”

When it comes to leaving an opinion or a comment, the reviews have become the greatest exponent and the statistics speak for themselves:

88% of consumers trust both reviews and a personal recommendation.
72% say that positive reviews make a business more trustworthy.
A one-star increase on Yelp leads to a 5-9% increase in revenue for a business.
92% of consumers say they would consume in a business if it has at least a 4-star rating.

And what are the consequences of not having reviews? You might think that having no reviews is better than having bad reviews or having negative reviews, but it doesn’t work that way. Without online reviews, people don’t know if they can trust the business or not. It’s that easy.

Let’s take an example: You have a restaurant. Someone is visiting the area and looking for a place to eat. They search their phone for restaurants in the area, and the search results show yours and another establishment on the same street. Your restaurant doesn’t have a single review on Yelp, Google, Facebook, or any other platform. The other restaurant has several four or 5-star reviews. At that moment, it doesn’t matter if your restaurant has better food or better service, the customer will surely choose the other restaurant.

Without reviews or comments, or opinions, your business lacks credibility and seems questionable. Potential clients will wonder why there is no opinion; they think, “Is this business not popular? Does nobody know him? Is it a bad restaurant? As you can see, the impact of positive opinions on a business is enormous. Even having negative comments can boost your reputation. Since it allows you to solve the problem and improve it.

Progressive web applications (AWP)

AWP is a technology that, although not new, is imposed these days due to the wide coverage it includes, especially because the person can access the tool and its information, even without data, which facilitates navigation and access. How to identify if it is an AWP? Because of four great features: one, offline, allows you to navigate and use normally; two, it simulates a native application, that is, due to its fluidity and intuitive experience, the user thinks that the application is originally designed and customized for each screen; three, it delivers notifications to users (online-offline) and fourth, it has the inherent benefits of a website, such as automatic updates.

The AWPs are created to improve the user experience in their interaction with the different brands, thanks to their technology. A start-up of this tool, for

Part of Prodigious is related to the food sector: people can enter the page, select their products, define an address, reserve, receive information on offers, among others. The application will create a profile with all the data collected in each of the users’ decisions. This is when technology generates value for the client because each time they enter, this resource will know what their preferences are, offering results quickly and intuitively.

Additionally, it will be of great use to the company and the entrepreneur because when the customer visits their restaurant (or other business), they will know which dish the user requests the most, their favorite ingredients, and even suggest a new recipe on the menu. All applications have full data analytics integration to deliver better user experiences and strengthen the market.

The creation of AWPs requires not only a significant financial investment but also greater responsibility in providing data. Ultimately, these types of apps seek to motivate and improve shopping experiences connected with the strategy and success of the business.

In this way, challenging entrepreneurs and companies through progressive web applications becomes a great opportunity to rethink business concepts and offer services and products in a different, novel, attractive way that optimizes the Internet experience.


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