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How to highlight your profile on social networks

Getting popularity on social networks is not easy, so we give you a few keys to not look like a bot on social networks
They say that the first impression is what counts and in an increasingly digitized world, profiles on social networks are becoming increasingly important. Not only in the social sphere, at present, 81% of companies read what their candidates write on social networks, In addition, 56% consider that active candidates in networks have more job opportunities than inactive ones, according to the 2019 Connected Talent report prepared by Infoempleo.

The same study shows that 79% of companies believe that candidates do not adequately work on their personal brand on social networks. The pressure is great, have a following, be attractive to companies. Is there a foolproof formula? No. Although one of the keys is to have a profile that stands out, that seems unique.

There are more than 7.7 billion people on the planet and it is estimated that there are more than 5.1 billion mobile phone users. In 2017 there were already 7.8 billion SIM cards, a figure higher than the world’s population, so standing out among so many people seems like an arduous task.

The character of ‘Fight club’ Tyler Durden expressed well this dichotomy between trying to be different in an overcrowded world of people: “You are not special. You are not a unique and beautiful snowflake. You are of the same organic matter in decomposition than everything else. We are the singing and dancing shit of the world. We are all part of the same manure heap. ” And that is what we are going to discuss today, how starting from the basis that being original at this point is almost impossible, there are some tricks that can make your profile look less gray than the rest.


In an audiovisual experiment carried out by Claudia Barral, winner of the “Best National Emerging Short Film 2020” award, with the collaboration of Pepsi Max, several Instagram users come across the reality that their most original photos coincide with the most original photos of dozens of persons. According to data from the study behind this experiment, four out of ten Spaniards publish content seeking a positive reaction from their followers.

That photo posing in a field of sunflowers or a backlight on a beach may seem original, but if you analyze where that inspiration came from, you have seen that snapshot before. Unconsciously the human being acts by imitation. Break that loop and try to find a moment that doesn’t sound like anything to you, that doesn’t remind you of a poster, video clip, movie cover, or photo of Dulceida.


Everyone started on Facebook and Instagram uploading photos of the coffee in the middle of the afternoon, who is free of sin, throw the first stone, but many moons of that have already passed. If you dedicate yourself to the artistic field, define your profile on social networks to make your projects visible.

In the case of preferring a more playful, entertaining content, upload content accordingly and avoid mixing everything. The profiles that mix personal and professional life

they often seem confused and unfocused. As for aesthetics, try to centralize the name and image of your profiles on different social networks to be remembered and interrelated.


That there are accounts of stolen memes with millions of followers, indeed, but that is not the idea. If you intend to have an image on social networks to show to companies and that stands out in some way, do not steal content from the Internet or other users. What seems basic is not so basic, even the ‘influencers’ have sometimes fallen into stealing a photo of a stranger and passing it off as their own.

After quoting Durden, we go to the other end, the real world, with Neil Patel. According to The Wall Street Journal, he is one of the most important influencers on the Internet, endorsed by Forbes that includes him in the list of the 10 most important marketers.

Patel recommends the 70-20-10 rule on his blog. 70% original content, 20% content relevant to the interests of your followers and 20% self-promotional content.


It is very typical to get to the point, upload content and neglect the profile biography. This is a very good cover letter and a summary of who you are or what you do. It combines practical data such as work or studies with more personal descriptions such as hobbies or interests, but always briefly, it is not a cover letter.


Make it easy to be found using keywords that can be related to your work or the content that you have focused on the profile. You can use Google Ads Keyword Planner or Keyword Tool to get an idea of which words would be more suitable and what search level they have.

Pay attention to the hashtags that serve to promote your publications on social networks. These words or phrases preceded by # work as markers that categorize your content, facilitating their search.


Social networks do not reward quiet users, the more you interact with your followers and with the people you follow, the more your account will grow. Respond to comments and encourage participation with surveys.

Do not obsess

The idea is to grow in social networks, yes, but do not get obsessed with the ‘likes’ or the followers. You can have a more or less original profile that is also attractive to a company and does not count the followers by thousands.

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